■ 公司拥有专业的运输车队,配备GPS全球定位系统,具有海关监管的特殊资质,能够满足客户不同的运输及配送要求,提供进出口集装箱、散货、零担货物的国内陆路运输服务;
■ 公司与青岛、天津、宁波各口岸铁路部门紧密合作,提供铁路箱、船公司自有箱、EASYWAY自备箱的内贸运输服务;
■ 提供全套的货物、车辆、仓储等保险,有效保证货物安全;制定最经济,最便捷的运输方案,为客户节约成本;
Sunmarr has thousands of square meters of bonded warehouse space in Hangzhou’s Bonded Logistics Center to handle bonded projects, carry overs, warehousing, international transshipments and re-exportation.
Our company has excellent warehouse systems and strong logistics integration ability to meet the various storage needs of our clientele. We offer detailed business plans to our customers to continuously optimize all logistical factors. Whatever the project, whatever the product, Sunmarr is here to help…

1、 商业发票(Commercial Invoice)
2、 形式发票(Proforma Invoice)
3、 正本发票:盖有发件公司原始公章发票
形式发票(PROFORMA INVOICE)相当于买卖双方的合同。通常用来双方执行的。
商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)一般是用来给客人清关报税用的,通常其金额可以根据客人的需要开小一点方便客人逃税(50-70%);形式发票又叫预示发票(P/I)。卖方凭此预先让卖方知晓如果双方将来以某数量成交之后,卖方要开给买方的商业发票大致的形式及内容。是一种试算性质的货运清单。出口商有时应进口商的要求,发出一份列有出售货物的名称、规格、单价等非正式参考性发票,供进口商向其本国贸易管理当局或外汇管理当局申请进口许可证或批准给予外汇等之用,这种发票叫做形式发票。形式发票不是一种正式发票,不能用于托收和议付,它所列的单价等,也仅仅是进口商根据当时情况所作的估计,对双方都无最终的约束力,所以说形式发票只是一种估价单,正式成交还要另外重新缮制商业发票。
商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE),是出口商于货物运出时开给进口商作为进货记账或结算货款和报关缴税的凭证;
With rapid development, Easyway accumulates the richest experience in international transport services, gains the deepest trust from customers, develops a solid market base, and establishes an excellent brand image. Easyway maintains good cooperative relationship with port authorities; Qingdao Port, Tianjin Port, and Ningbo Port. Easyway is the agent for several world's leading shipping companies; MAERSK, CMA, OOCL, APL, KLINE, and SINOTRANS.
Easyway is specialized in the international multimodal transport services of import and export cargoes with supporting services; booking, customs declaration, commodity inspection, container devanning, and insurance. Easyway provides large logistics project design and project operation services.
Easyway has advanced logistics information system, container yard, and truck fleet for providing one-stop logistics chain design and management service for customers.
Easyway's philosophy: customer focus, pursuit of excellence, safety and convenience, and striving for perfection.
Easyway will be with you to create glamorous future.
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